Nowhere is this truer than with children. As soon as one of my kids perceives the slightest injustice to themselves, they want to make sure that at least one of their siblings is just as miserable.
This mostly centers around chores and responsibilities at home. This can include anything from doing the dishes to doing schoolwork. The questions come fast and furious:
“Why doesn’t he have to do the dishes?”
“Why isn’t she doing math?”
“Why do I have to sweep?”
Evidently they want their siblings to share in the misery of the moment. What actually happens, though, is they make us as parents miserable!
I have lost count of the number of times that I have explained that everyone has their own chores/homework to do, that nobody has to do more than anyone else, and that if they would just do it when it is time to do it, they would be done quickly.
Hopefully someday soon, my younger children will figure all of this out just like their older siblings have (for the most part) and quickly take care of their responsibilities and move on with other things that are more enjoyable. Maybe they will even find it in themselves to help each other with chores and complete them even quicker.
I am not sure what it is in human nature that makes us feel just a little bit better to know someone else is suffering too. This is definitely not one of our finer qualities! When we can show sympathy and even empathy, it is so much better. In a way, Jesus while here in human form, turned this tendency on its head.
Instead of requiring us to each go through the suffering and punishment of the cross that we all deserve, He put Himself in our places. He did warn us that there would be tough things to go through, but He promised to always be with us even then. Jesus finds absolutely no pleasure in our suffering. Instead, Jesus wants to free us from our pain and eventually, if we believe in Him and allow Him to forgive us, He will welcome us to a place where, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4
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