Do you tend to fall into the thinking that everything depends on you?
“If I don’t make it to work, I won’t get a paycheck and then how will I make ends meet?”
“I am so sick how am I going to be able to take care of my kids today?”
The reality is that this kind of thinking is all an illusion. The real truth is that God is the one who brings the provision. God is the one who actually parents our children. God is the one we can depend on.
It can be very easy to depend on things we can see, such as a steady job or a healthy mother. However, God is the one who gives the ability to work and graces us with good health. The Bible reminds us that everything belongs to God. This is really good news for those of us who also belong to God, because He promises to take care of our needs. Sometimes He chooses to use us in the process and sometimes He doesn’t.
I am one of those who does think everything depends on me and as I have mentioned before, one of the most difficult things for me is when God tells me to be still, He will take care of it. But it is so exciting to watch God move when I do step back and get out of the way.
I can’t say that I hope you have an opportunity to see God work in this way in your life, because as the examples show, we usually don’t like the way the opportunities are presented! We live in a world where these times are unavoidable though, so when the curtain is pulled back on an illusion you have been depending on, remember it is just that, an illusion, and underneath is the rock solid love of God.
“Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He answers him from His holy heaven with the saving power of His right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:6-7
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