Before we worry about learning our letters or numbers in Kindergarten, this is the question uppermost in our minds. Will anyone like me? Will I make any friends? Honestly, except for the most independent of us, this really doesn’t change even as we get older.
Friendship is so important. We all need friends to support and encourage us as we navigate this sometimes difficult life. We also need to be friends to others and share encouragement with them.
Recently, I was reading through the Old Testament in the Bible. I came to a part where it had all these lists going on and on about different people’s jobs: so and so was in charge of this, and so and so was in charge of that. I was skimming over these when I was suddenly brought up short. I Chronicles 27:33 says, “Hushai the Arkite was the king’s friend.” That isn’t actually even the whole verse, it is tacked onto the end of verse 33. I thought this was so amazing that this man’s friendship was so valuable that it ended up being recorded with other important jobs in the kingdom!
In my own life, my friends have been invaluable to me. They have stuck with me through some extremely difficult things. Sometimes I will be having a bad day and one of my friends will text me just to say they are thinking of me and praying for me. It seems like a little thing, but some days it is everything.
Of course we have all heard that to have a friend we must be a friend. This is true. We also need to be the one to send the text or an email, (or mail an actual card!) We also need to not underestimate the value of praying for our friends. The wonderful thing about being friends is that we usually know what the struggles are in each other’s lives and so we are in a better position to pray specifically and effectively for each other.
Even if you are feeling friendless right now, don’t forget that you have a best friend who is with you no matter what. Jesus died on the cross for the chance to be your friend. He is as close as a thought or a whisper, so you can tell Him anything. And He promises that nothing can ever take His friendship away. All you have to do is answer His question, “Will you be my friend?”
“The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him. He teaches them His covenant.” Psalm 25:14
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