I think this phrase holds a negative connotation for most of us, as it was the title of a thriller-type movie back in the day. But what is underneath doesn’t necessarily have to be scary.

This past week was a rough one at my house. As I mentioned in my last post, not only did I have the flu, but we were also dealing with the power outage as I’m sure a lot of you were. As a result, most of the week my home looked like a train wreck. However, the mess was mostly on the surface. Underneath the schoolwork strewn across the table was a Fall colored tablecloth and some pumpkin decorations. The walls still had a bright garland of leaves. And even though there was a pile of laundry waiting to be sorted in the living room, there were still our comfy pillows and my mother’s rocking chair.

I know I can get very caught up in worrying about things lurking just under what I can see. Most of the time I assume that what I can’t see must be something bad. But what if I’m wrong?

What if what I can’t see is how God is working just under the surface, using what looks like a mess to me to do something amazing and wonderful. What if His plans include power outages and the flu and a messy house? And if He is doing that in my life, maybe He is doing it in yours too. Beyond us, maybe He is also working in that stranger who looks grumpy, or different, or even a little scary…on the surface.

In so many situations, only God knows what really lies beneath. God is the one who knows our hearts, intentions, hopes, dreams, fears, worries, and so much more. He is the one we can trust with everything, even what we can’t see.
“The One Who examines the thoughts and emotions is a righteous God.” Psalm 7:9
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