The bottom line is that everyone believes something. Usually how we live reveals what we believe. If we are generous, it means that we have a belief that our own needs will be met regardless if we give something away. The opposite is true too, if we are stingy or selfish it shows a deep-seated belief that we might run out or not have enough.
However, just because I believe something does not necessarily make it true. I could believe as much as I want that I can fly, but in the end gravity would probably cure me of that mistaken belief.
Knowing what we believe is crucially important. As I said, it informs our decisions and guides us through life. Also, if I am not aware of my core beliefs I am literally held hostage by them without even knowing it. I can be stuck in the same unhealthy patterns simply by a deeply rooted belief. On the other hand if I take an honest look at my belief system and really question it, I can make some changes that will benefit me and those around me for the rest of my days.
As great as it is to know what you believe about every day types of things, it is absolutely crucial to know what you believe about spiritual things. For instance if I believe I should follow the speed limit, that will probably keep me and others safer on the road and avoid the hassle of speeding tickets, which is all fine and good while I am living. However, if I haven’t thought through what I believe will happen when I am no longer living, I am in trouble.
The best way to know what to believe is to find out the truth. I need to make sure there is not a lie hidden in the middle of my belief. The best way I have found to do this is to search the Bible. I know there are a lot of people who do not think the Bible is truth, that it has been changed or that it is inaccurate or not relevant. I would encourage you to do a little research on the history of the Bible and how accurate it still is. But more than that, I would challenge you to read it for yourself and see if it is indeed a “living book.” As I have measured my inaccurate beliefs against what it says in the Bible, God has changed my belief system and helped me to live in a much healthier way. He can do this for you too! Ask God to speak to you through His own words and show you the truth; I promise you He will.
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12
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