So I think it might have been Jesus who first said, “No worries, mate!” At least that is how I read Matthew chapter 6 starting in verse 24.
At this point Jesus is up on a mountainside giving a sermon on all kinds of practical things for living. He has covered everything from loving your enemies to praying. Then He discusses a topic that most of us worry about a lot: money and provision.
Don’t Worry!
His answer to the problem? Don’t worry! Now I don’t know about you, but for me that is far easier said than done. The Strong’s definition of the word “worry,” says it means, “to divide into parts.” That paints a word picture doesn’t it? I know exactly what that feels like. When I allow worry to take over my thoughts I can literally feel like my brain is going in many different parts. The definition goes on to include distraction; also a preoccupation with things causing anxiety, stress and pressure! Again, all things I am familiar with, none of them fun.
So how does Jesus have the audacity to suggest we simply shouldn’t worry? He actually maps it out thoroughly in His sermon. He addresses our worries about how we will take care of ourselves in the areas of food and clothing. He gives the example of how God takes care of the birds by providing them food. He reminds us how much more valuable to God we are than birds. He talks of the flowers and how God clothes them so beautifully and promises us that God will clothe us too.
The “ouch” moment of His sermon for me, is when He points out that it is unbelievers who worry and struggle and chase after all these things such as food and clothing, but we as believers have a heavenly Father who knows we need all these things and promises to provide them. Jesus reminds us to first chase after God and He will take care of the rest. It is Jesus’ own confidence in His heavenly Father’s unending provision that allows Him to audaciously proclaim, “No worries!”
“For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” Matthew 6:32-34
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