During the sermon* on Sunday the question was raised, what if Jesus was coming to dinner at your house in ten days? I of course thought immediately of the massive cleaning that would need to take place. I don’t think ten days would be enough! The pastor also talked about how we would probably want to serve Jesus the best food we could. The physical preparations that we would make was part of the point of the sermon, but there was also a deeper message.
What if when Jesus arrived it was a little awkward? “Oh, um, hi Jesus, haven’t talked to you in awhile.”
Staying in touch is so important to relationship. I love being able to text my friends, just to say hi or I’m praying for you. Sometimes I will be texting my sister 15 minutes before visiting her at her house! While texting is easy, praying, or talking to Jesus is even easier. The hardest part is remembering to do it!
We get caught up in the formality of prayer, when really it can be very informal because Jesus is interested in everything about us. “That flower is so pretty Jesus, thank you for making it!” “Jesus I was thinking of making soup for dinner what do you think?” This may sound very strange, but when we can get into the habit of continually praying, even about the small things, when the big things come we will immediately take them to Jesus.
When we are in relationships with people we want to spend time with them. Believe it or not, Jesus loves to spend time with you. I pray that as you start to spend more time with Jesus, just talking, that your relationship grows deeper and deeper until if Jesus showed up at your house there would be no awkwardness at all. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20
*Thank you John Fairchild for a wonderful message on Sunday!
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