“Encouraging people to be filled with grace while pursuing their purpose.”
That was my vision and goal when I first started writing this blog and it is still my goal today. I am passionate about encouraging people, looking inside for their potential and drawing it out. I also believe more strongly than ever that we need to be filled with God’s grace to truly fulfill our purpose.
But what exactly is our purpose? The overarching answer for us as followers of Jesus is to glorify Him in everything we do. However, to narrow it down to our individual purpose takes some time and self-reflection. Some people seem to be born knowing their goal in life, for others of us it takes longer.
One tool I have used in my own life to figure out what I am passionate about is my calendar. If you take a look through your days and see where you are spending your time it might give you a clue to your purpose. Conversely, if you look through your calendar and cringe at most of the things scheduled there, you might need to make some changes!
Another way to look at it is to think about what gives you life, when do you feel the most free, happy or even rested. Remember, Jesus said His yoke is easy, so if we are fulfilling the unique purpose He designed us for it shouldn’t be absolutely draining or exhausting. A different way of asking this question would be, “When do I feel in the flow: God’s grace in and my purpose flowing out?”
A lot of times those closest to us know us better than we know ourselves. If you are really struggling to figure out your purpose, you could ask a trusted friend what they see in you. And of course the best thing of all would be to ask Jesus through the Holy Spirit to reveal His purposes for your life.
As we discover our purpose and begin by God’s grace to live into it, exciting things will begin to happen. God designed each of us to have a unique place in time and history and we are each a part of His plan. The world needs you!
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” Romans 12:6
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