“Are there sharks in that water?” Ever since I became a mother and my first child could speak, this is a question I get EVERY time a little one spies a body of water of any size. We are blessed to live near many lakes so they get this opportunity frequently. I used to be able to say with assurance that no, there are no sharks in the water. But, thank you Discovery Channel, now my older ones will pipe up that bull sharks can live in fresh water for a little while.
It reminds me of the lake of my family. Yes, there are sharks there. A cranky teenager, a distraught toddler, or a tired mommy comes swimming into the peaceful waters and suddenly there is thrashing, screaming, and blood in the water. It is startling how fast it can happen.
Now I could do everything in my power to prevent these attacks. I could watch for them, try to head them off. In fact I’ve been there, done that. What I discovered though is that I am no shark whisperer and it’s exhausting.
However, I have found when I acknowledge how powerless I feel, and I give up control to God, then He comes in with His powerful peace, and suddenly calm returns.
Then by His grace, it is safe to go back in the water.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Matthew 14:29-31