The New York stock exchange’s trading pit has nothing on viciousness compared with my living room the day after Halloween. I had thought that the children would have all slept in after being up so late the night before and because they had a day off from school. Nope. They were up bright and early, ready to trade.
The older ones were running the trading for the most part. I’m not sure how well the younger ones faired, but I guess it really doesn’t matter as they will eat just about anything with sugar in it! As brutal as all this may sound, the children thoroughly enjoy it and everyone eats far more candy than is good for them.
It did make me think though. As excited as my kids were to receive all the candy, they were not satisfied with just enjoying their own candy. The candy in their siblings’ bags looked a little better. Aren’t we as adults the same way? Instead of enjoying my life and the blessings God has given me, my eyes are on someone else and the blessings they appear to have.
We even have sayings to illustrate this point: “Keeping up with the Jones’.” And, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” There are several problems with this. As I said, it keeps me from truly appreciating all that I have. Also, we don’t ever really know what is going on in someone else’s life. Things look good on the surface sometimes, but there might be some big struggles underneath. Another thing, if I am not grateful for what God has given me, how can I share it with others? God does not usually give us gifts just for us to keep all to ourselves.
So while my children enjoy trading candy, I think I will focus on being thankful for what I have been given. God has chosen to give these gifts to me, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
“Don’t be deceived…Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:16-17