I have a great opportunity I want to tell you about! It will be life-changing. This will help you in all areas of your life: your health, finances, friendships, marriage, work and recreation time. And get this, it is NOT a limited-time offer! This opportunity does require the rest of your life, but when you find out what the pay-off is, I promise you are going to want to sign up.

I am talking about the original pyramid scheme, which come to think of it includes some actual pyramids in its history. From the very beginning God had a plan. It is hard for us to comprehend He knew that we as humans were going to fall but He chose to create us anyway. However, that is exactly when His plan went into effect.

His plan to save us works like a multi-level marketing company. He picks one person: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jesus and multiplies from there. Just like your friends may laugh when you tell them you are selling knives, Noah’s friends laughed when he said he was building an ark. Abraham’s son was literally named, “he laughs,” because his wife Sarah thought God’s plan was so outrageous. Joseph’s brothers made fun of him. Moses ran out of town and Jesus was killed. However, none of that stopped God’s plan from working.

And it is still working. Today it goes something like this: someone told you about the amazing saving grace of Jesus, you got so excited that you received the good news and told someone else, who told someone else, who told someone…And unlike the negative pyramid schemes we are familiar with, this one actually does change lives for the better.

It goes further than that though, God’s plan even provides future security. Jesus came, died and rose from the dead so everyone who received Him could live forever with God. I don’t know about you, but I think that beats any retirement package I have ever heard of!
So what do you think? Are you ready to sign up for God’s plan today?
“I have made you a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth…And the word of the Lord spread throughout that region.” Acts 13:47&49