The other evening I was driving through a winding stretch of road. The road was narrow, and it was also dark. I found myself worrying that I was going to drive into the oncoming traffic. I was brought up short in my worries by the thought, “Why would I do that?” It wasn’t like I was going to all of a sudden steer my vehicle into one heading for me for some unknown reason. Of course accidents happen, deer run out and people veer to miss them. But what I was worrying about was that I would literally steer toward those headlights like a giant metal moth.
As preposterous as that sounds, I also worry I will do this in life. I worry I will somehow fail to see the danger and head straight for disaster. Not only is this a lack of faith in myself, it is a lack of faith in my Heavenly Father and even a lack of faith in my friends. I love the verse in Proverbs that says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) As I learn more and more to trust God, He is showing me His straight paths that keep me from danger. Even if I were to miss a cue from God, I am also blessed with several truth-speaking friends who would be quick to pull me out of harm’s way!
I don’t know if this is something you struggle with as well, being afraid that you will somehow “miss” God’s direction or warning. I find a lot of comfort by staying in God’s word, the Bible. He uses verses to speak very personally, comforting me and guiding me. I would encourage you to spend some time reading the Bible, asking God to show you what He wants to tell you. In the hardest times I read Psalms and for very practical guidance, Proverbs. Really though, God can speak no matter where you find yourself wandering in His word.
I pray that we will worry less and less as we trust God more and allow Him to make our paths straight. Even on winding mountain roads!
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