The other morning as I was listening to the radio, the D J’s asked an interesting question, “What would you pay $500 to have a lifetime supply of?” My first thought was Starbucks of course! Several people called in with their answers: one lady said she would pay that to have her hair done for the rest of her life; another caller said meals at his favorite restaurant. There are so many things we could come up with that would be worth a $500 upfront investment.

One of the things this question made me think of though, was the Samaritan woman at the well whom Jesus spoke with. She was somewhat of an outcast among outcasts. Not only was she a Samaritan, which Jews like Jesus usually looked down on, but she was also looked down on by her own community because of her personal history. In fact, the whole reason she was at the well in the middle of the day was probably to avoid the other women who usually came later.

If anyone could wish for a lifetime supply of something it was her, wishing to have all the water she needed right at home. Jesus knew all about it of course and engaged her in what turned out to be a life changing conversation. They discussed the physical water for a minute and then Jesus told her about the living water He could offer her. She was immediately interested, “Sir, give me this water…” The awesome and amazing thing that most of us still struggle with today, is that this living water that Jesus was offering her and us, is absolutely free. No need for a $500 investment or repayment of any kind. All Jesus asks is that we believe in Him.

That is the choice the woman at the well made. She knew the Messiah was coming and when Jesus declared to her that He Himself was that Messiah, she instantly believed and ran to tell everyone in her town. How exciting that Jesus is still offering this living water of eternal life! We can accept it and tell others too. There is no shortage, there is plenty for all.

So while it might be nice to have a lifetime supply of coffee, it is far better to have a lifetime of peace, forgiveness and joy in Jesus. In fact, it is more than a lifetime, it is eternal!
“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'” John 4:13-14
(You can find the entire account of Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4 in the Bible.)
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