If you ever found yourself stuck in an elevator, I am the person you would want to have with you. Not for my charming personality, but because we could live pretty comfortably for quite awhile on the things I carry in my purse. I live by the Scout motto of, “Be prepared.” Need a band-aid? A granola bar? A safety pin? I’ve got you covered.
Another way to look at it, is I carry a bag of what if’s. What if I need a snack? What if my kids get a scrape? What if I need to perform emergency CPR? (Yes, the emergency mask and instructions are in my purse too, even though evidently we are no longer supposed to do the breathing part of CPR!)
I am thinking maybe there is a fine line between being prepared and being worried. Yes, many things have come in handy, but do I really need to lug all this stuff around with me? I started to wonder if there are other “what if’s” I am carrying around. What if something happens to my kids? What if I get sick? What if my car breaks down?
These kinds of what if’s can get heavier and heavier the more I think about them. They also do something worse, they move me farther and farther away from trusting God. I am in essence saying, “I don’t trust that You are going to take care of me. I better carry all these things myself.”
Ouch. That is not how I want to live. Not only is it way more difficult, but I really do want to live in a place of peace and trust in God. I have to continually hand all of my worries and burdens over to my loving Heavenly Father. He gladly takes them and gives me rest in their place.
So maybe I will change my motto to, ” Be prepared for God to take care of everything.” And my “what if’s” into “what if everything works out according to God’s amazing plan?”
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” I Peter 5:7
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