The other day I was late getting out of the house, or so I thought. As I went out the door I was in fact, right on time to catch two of my children with arm loads of glass sheets they had taken out of the louvered windows of an old travel trailer we have. Their intention was to try to wedge it in the windows of a little cabin they had constructed. In my mother imagination all I could see was broken shards of glass everywhere and children sliced to ribbons. I had them immediately return the glass to the trailer and assured them we would come up with a safer alternative.
The part of the whole incident that was reassuring to me, is that God is completely in control, even, and probably most especially when, I feel out of control. That day I had felt that my morning had gone “wrong,” and I was feeling a lot of guilt over being late. In our hurry culture, full of schedules, we can mistakenly get the idea that we are in control of our days. Usually we are brought up short in this belief by interruptions, some as mild as traffic and some much more serious.
I know things go the best when I remember to give God my day and let Him lead me. He doesn’t always lead me where I think He should, but when I look back at the end of the day I see that His way was the best.
So the next time I think I am running late, or I get caught in traffic, I am going to say no to the instant anxiety that wells up inside me. Instead I am going to remind myself of all the times that my Heavenly Father has had perfect timing in my life and try to rest in Him.
“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” Luke 12:25-26
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