Do your kids use Moogle? This was around long before Google started answering our every question.
“Mom, how far is it to the moon?”
“Mom, were those hills formed by glaciers or lava?”
“Mom, is Antarctica the largest continent?”
This last question was the first thing I was asked this morning as I was blindly groping for the coffee pot. I don’t think my son was satisfied with my mumbled, “I, ur, uh, ah.” In one way I suppose it is flattering that my children hold my intelligence in such high esteem, as I really don’t know the right answers on a lot of what they ask. On the other hand the incessant questions are tiring. Sometimes I simply have to call a time-out on all the questions my kids continually ask, just to give my brain a break.
I love that we can ask God all the questions we want. In fact, He LOVES to have us ask questions. I think we get caught up in the idea that prayer has to be a formal thing, began and ended properly. However, in the Bible, Paul reminds us to pray unceasingly. This sounds more like a running dialog to me, which I love, because I love to talk! (My children come by their talking natures naturally.) God is the original Google, and He repeatedly encourages us to ask and seek from Him.
The other wonderful thing is God never needs a break from our questions. He doesn’t get overwhelmed, stressed, tired or hungry. He is even awake in the middle of the night when we wake up with questions. Sometimes we may “hear” an answer, and other times we might find an answer as we read the Bible since it is full of promises for us. Because it is a “living” book, the answers to our questions have a way of popping off the page at just the right moments.
Even if an answer from God takes a little more time than an answer from Google, we can be sure that He is listening and He will answer. I am also sure His answers will be a lot more accurate than Moogle’s!
“Pray continually.” I Thessalonians 5:17
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