I want to have “David eyes.” Actually, maybe what I want is “David ears.” David, (during his encounter with Goliath in the Bible) did not see a scary giant, to David it didn’t matter who was on that battlefield, because what he heard was someone daring to defy the living God. And David knew that was not right.
At this point in his life David was not a mighty warrior as we might suppose about someone who runs out to fight a giant. He had spent his life as a shepherd, watching his father’s flock of sheep. However, while he was tending sheep, his Heavenly Father was tending him. David got to know God in a very real, intimate way. David was also learning the traits and skills that allowed him to run into the battle armed with only conviction and a slingshot. I believe this is what set David apart. He was so accustomed to listening to God’s voice and trusting Him, that he didn’t even allow any questions to come into his mind. Questions I seem to ask myself constantly: “God are you really telling me to go into battle? Are you sure You have equipped me? Could I at least take a few of the other soldiers with me?”
The difference between David and me, is that for David his self did not matter. He had crystal clear hearing, vision and conviction. God is being defied, it is not right, no one else is doing anything, God is with me, I’m going to do something about this. David had spent so much time with God that he instantly recognized the time God had prepared him for. This is what I pray for us, that we would spend so much time getting to know our Heavenly Father that we would be thoroughly equipped when the battle comes our way, and brave enough to run into it!
“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9
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